
August 12, 2024

IRU response to the Universities Accord implementation consultation papers on the Managed Growth Funding model and Needs-based Funding

Summary IRU position

The IRU supports:

  • A new Managed Growth Funding model, comprising a System-wide Pool to meet long-term national targets and Managed Growth Targets as part of mission-based compacts.
  • Transitional funding arrangements until the end of 2029 and a permanent funding floor set at 97.5% of the previous year’s funding.
  • The principle of demand-driven funding for equity students, with phased implementation commencing via Managed Growth Targets based on institutional-level equity data.
  • The principle of Needs-based Funding for students from under-represented groups, with phased implementation based initially on institutional-level equity data.
  • A Framework of Equity Support Activities based on the evidence from Needs-based Funding.

The IRU recommends:

  • Further consultation on equity category definitions, eligibility and data.
  • Dedicated funding for outreach and growing aspiration, and for mission-based compacts.
  • A full Government response to all Accord recommendations, with funding for phased implementation delivered through the Budget process.

Read the full submission here.