IRU Chair, Vice-Chancellor and President, James Cook University
Professor Simon Biggs

Executive Director
Paul Harris
Since 2003, Paul has worked to connect education, research and innovation with government and public policy, including diplomatic postings in the Australian Embassies in Tokyo and Washington DC. Download Bio

Policy Advisor
Dr Peter Bentley
Peter has experience in higher education research and policy in Australia and Europe, with a PhD from the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies at the University of Twente. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management and an Honorary Fellow at The University of Melbourne. Contact him for IRU Research and Academic groups.

Marketing and Media Advisor
Bethany Keats
Bethany has spent more than ten years working in international media, research communication and education marketing. Contact her for IRU International groups and the IRU Indigenous Network.

Government Relations and Policy Adviser
John (JP) Preston
JP has over 30 years’ experience in government working in political offices, government departments and in government relations at universities. He provides political analysis and awareness and manages IRU stakeholder relationships in government and the bureaucracy. Contact him for the IRU Government Relations and Policy and IRU Corporate groups.