
March 12, 2017

IRU response to the consultation draft of a revised National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students

The IRU submission to the ESOS framework review in 2014, focused on the need to consider the interaction of ESOS with the newly developed national quality frameworks in higher education and vocational education and training. Our key argument was the need to target ESOS to the requirements specific to international students only. The national frameworks protect both international students and Australian students for the large number of factors relevant to all students.
The final step in the update of ESOS is the revision of The National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students. The National Code is the major instrument for defining the requirements specific to international students.
IRU is disappointed that the proposed changes to the National Code maintain extensive duplication across the separate regulatory frameworks for international and domestic students. It does not sit well against the Government’s commitment to pare back regulation to clear, consistent requirements.
The IRU response:

  • first addresses the duplication across the Higher Education Standards and the National Code and then,
  • on the basis that the revised National Code will be the confirmed along the lines of the current draft indicates:
    • the important improvements included in the draft;
    • areas within the draft that should be amended.

Read full submission attached.