Four questions for the Parliamentary Budget Office on the true cost of HECS-HELP
I do not fully understand the Parliamentary Budget Office report: HELP, impact on the budget. The headline figure in is that in 2025-26 the annual cost of HELP on an underlying cash balance basis will be $11.1 billion. How does…
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Who funds the researcher?
The Grattan Institute report The cash nexus: how teaching funds research in Australian universities has opened up the debate about how universities’ responsibility to lead research and higher education delivery in Australia is achieved within each institution. The issue is…
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Updated: HILDA: In defence of good research wherever it is found
The commentary on The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey: Selected Findings from Waves 1 to 12 by Roger Wilkins of the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at The University of Melbourne has been sidetracked…
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Who should go to university?
Who should go to university, only the select or all who want to? It is the question that ran through the 2015 Universities Australia Conference (10-11 March 2015). It is lurking behind the contentious funding and fees debate that has…
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Will Government fund higher education to the standard required?
The IRU argues that the approach of Governments of both sides has not and will not deliver the significant increase in Government funding sufficient to teach students to the standard required. Governments have not taken past opportunities to increase funding…
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The Higher Education reforms: Issues and areas for change
Timeframe Universities have a strong interest in having the future arrangements decided to allow as much clarity as possible for students considering enrolling in 2015 and to allow universities to plan well for the changes due in 2016. The Government…
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The red tape returns: HE Reforms create a three year plan for participation
The proposal outlined by the Department of Education (25 June 2014) that there be three year Access and Participation Plans as part of the revamped Higher Education Participation Program (HEPP) indicates that the Government is on the verge of failing…
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The Higher Education reforms: Recovering the lost Government subsidy from students
The Department has released the proposed clusters and funding rates from 2016, which simplify the clusters into five groups but also achieve a 20% reduction overall in funding. The proposed clusters are based on a 0.6:2:3:4:6 relative distribution across disciplines…
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